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CSS Grid vs Flexbox: Choosing the Right Layout Tool

CSS Grid vs Flexbox: Choosing the Right Layout Tool


If we talk about web layouts these days, the two most powerful tools that come to mind are CSS Grid and Flexbox. While both of these are essential to building adaptable and responsive layouts, it can be confusing knowing when to use one instead of the other. In this guide, we outline the strengths of each and how to leverage them together.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Overview of CSS Grid and Flexbox
3. Differences Between CSS Grid and Flexbox3

4. When to Use CSS Grid

5. When to Use Flexbox

6. Combined Use Cases: Mixing CSS Grid and Flexbox
7. Best Practices and Tips
8. Conclusion

2. Overview of CSS Grid and Flexbox

  • CSS Grid is a two-dimensional layout system for the web, meaning it can handle rows and columns. This makes it ideal for creating complex, multi-dimensional layouts without nesting multiple elements.
  • Flexbox (Flexible Box) is a one-dimensional layout model. It excels at distributing space within a container, aligning items, and creating responsive designs that flow effortlessly in a row or a column.

3. Differences Between CSS Grid and Flexbox

3.1 Layout Philosophy

  • CSS Grid: Emphasizes rows and columns. Think of it like an Excel spreadsheet, where elements are placed in defined cells of a grid.
  • Flexbox: Focuses on either rows or columns at a time. It’s highly useful for distributing space along a single axis (horizontal or vertical).

3.2 Flexibility and Responsiveness

  • Flexbox shines when it comes to responsive adjustments along a main axis, like navigation bars or aligning content blocks.
  • CSS Grid offers more powerful solutions for complex, adaptable grid-based designs.

3.3 Use Cases

  • CSS Grid: Best suited for complex page layouts, like web apps with many sections and overlapping items.
  • Flexbox: Perfect for simpler, linear arrangements, like menus, toolbars, or aligning buttons.

4. When to Use CSS Grid

4.1 Two-Dimensional Layouts

When you need to control both rows and columns, CSS Grid is the better choice. For example, complex dashboards and web app layouts often benefit from CSS Grid.

4.2 Complex Grid-Based Designs

CSS Grid allows for creative layouts without the need for nesting multiple elements. It enables developers to create overlapping elements and intricate arrangements more easily.

4.3 Examples of CSS Grid Properties

Item 1 (spans 2 columns)
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4 (spans all columns)


Grid Container Properties:

  • display: grid; sets the element as a grid container.
  • grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); creates 3 equal-width columns.
  • grid-template-rows: auto 100px; defines two rows with respective heights.
  • gap: 10px; adds spacing between grid items.

Grid Item Properties:

  • grid-column: span 2; allows an item to span 2 columns.
  • grid-column: 1 / 4; spans the item from column 1 to 3 inclusively.
  • align-self is used to align individual items differently.


  • justify-content aligns items horizontally within the container.
  • align-items aligns items vertically within the container.

5. When to Use Flexbox

5.1 One-Dimensional Layouts

Flexbox is excellent for arranging elements along a single axis. It can align elements horizontally or vertically with ease, making it ideal for basic layout components.

5.2 Simple Alignments and Centering

Flexbox is a great choice for centering content or creating simple page elements like navigation bars, card containers, or vertically/horizontally centering items.

5.3 Examples of Flexbox Properties

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Different Alignments
Column Layout
Column Item 1
Column Item 2
Column Item 3


  • display: flex; – Defines a flex container.
  • justify-content – Aligns items along the main axis (e.g., space-between, center).
  • align-items – Aligns items along the cross axis (e.g., center).
  • flex – Defines how a flex item grows, shrinks, or takes space (e.g., flex: 1; or flex: 2;).
  • flex-direction – Sets the direction of the main axis (e.g., column, row).

6. Combined Use Cases: Mixing CSS Grid and Flexbox

In many cases, you may find that combining CSS Grid and Flexbox creates the best results. For example, you might use a grid to structure the main layout and Flexbox for individual components like menus or cards.

7. Best Practices and Tips

  • Use CSS Grid for overarching layouts.
  • Use Flexbox for component-level control.
  • Understand and apply the strengths of each technology to different situations.

8. Conclusion

CSS Grid and Flexbox are both powerful tools in modern web design. While each has its ideal use cases, knowing how and when to use them (or mix them) can elevate your web development projects and create beautiful, responsive layouts efficiently.

